Man de la Maza

Sunday, January 02, 2005

One lap complete, six to go

Been a bit pokey around the holidays, but I did fiinally manage to complete Level 90 and Circle One tonight. Instead of 64 days, the original circle took me 73. For the most part, this was due to skipping days. Up until Level 90, I felt like I was making real progress. I was really just going through the motions for the second half of December, but I didn't quit either. Some time earlier I said that I thought if I made it through Circle One, my chances of making it all the way would go up substantially. I'd rate myself as about even money now to finish. Much more support out there than I would have ever guessed. Thanks fellow knights and readers!

Welcome to Pawn Sensei and Generalkaia. I'm catching up on reading blogs, so I haven't had a chance to fully investigate their musings. I am pleased that Pawn Sensei did not develop the dreaded "sniffles". Sancho, you still haven't told me how it is that you know Norwegian.

Started Circle 2 tonight and scored a somewhat untidy 96%. Bad habits developed from Level 90 ("Let's try this..."). I wanted a nice clean 100%, but I'm gonna have to focus a little better. High hopes for tomorrow as I return to work and "the routine".

93 days down, 62 to go
66 probs down, 1143 to go in Circle Two


  • WB Don! Hope your trip was relaxing. Congrats on completing Circle One! Did you do anything to celebrate?

    By Blogger Pawnsensei, at 11:13 PM  

  • No, I'm a bit celebrated out. I need a few days of eating celery and drinking prune juice before I can think about celebrating.

    By Blogger Don Q., at 4:50 AM  

  • Congrats Don! Well done. Happy New Year!

    By Blogger Pale Morning Dun - Errant Knight de la Maza, at 11:53 AM  

  • Heck with the power of internet translators I can probably speak Swahili. :)

    By Blogger Sancho Pawnza, at 9:03 PM  

  • Hi, man de la Maza. I hope you had a good Christmas and a Happy New Year. Congratulations on finishing Circle #1. Good job.

    By Blogger Calvin, at 10:55 PM  

  • Thanks to all for the good wishes.

    Sancho, what translator did you use? Google wouldn't do it, and I was unable to find the legendary babelfish translator.

    By Blogger Don Q., at 10:18 AM  

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