Why play chess?
Playing chess has many cognitive benefits. Children who study chess turn out to be better readers than those who don't (particularly if they are having trouble reading in the first place). It is good for improving concentration, spatial thinking, and memory. It helps develop personal responsibilty and self-control.
All that AND you might get to meet this woman.
122 days down, 33 to go
982 problems down, 54 to go in Circle Two
Level 10: 97%
Level 20: 88%
Level 30: 76%
Level 40: 68%
Level 50: 63%
Level 60: 63%
All that AND you might get to meet this woman.
122 days down, 33 to go
982 problems down, 54 to go in Circle Two
Level 10: 97%
Level 20: 88%
Level 30: 76%
Level 40: 68%
Level 50: 63%
Level 60: 63%
Tell me again about the horse. Is it the one that makes the inverted "L" ... or is that the castle?
ProcrastinatorRex, at 7:24 AM
Ohhhhh. So that explains why I didn't get into chess in high school. I was too busy chasing women! Actually Don, if I had to chose now, I would go for the rating points too. Sad. And I am only 28. Thanks for the giggles though. It's nice to know there are sympathetic women out there who are trying to spice up chess players' lives.
Let this be a warning to you Generalkaia, women will ruin your chessgame!
Pawnsensei, at 12:34 PM
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Pawnsensei, at 3:43 PM
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