Thanks to all the well-wishers. One of the things that is very gratifying about the blog is when someone checks in who in retrospect you realize has been reading for a long time. A great example of this is a was the comment I received from Eerikki yesterday. He and I have been emailing on and off since the very early days of the blog. I thought he had long since stopped reading, so it was very nice to receive a note yesterday. Will of Soul Beaver fame and Bachsinger fall in this category as well. Thanks for the notes, guys. As long as I'm on the subject, thanks also to Cubefarmer for bringing me snacks midday on Circle 7.
Link of note
A week or so ago Nezha posted the idea that we should write a book. It got me thinking that Everyman press, the publishers of "Rapid Chess Improvement", might be interested in what we are doing, so I fired them an email. I got one back from Dan Addelman saying that he thought our blogging experiment was "very interesting". He has deemed us worthy of inclusion on the publishers list of Recommended Sites under "Organizations, Clubs".
Link of note
A week or so ago Nezha posted the idea that we should write a book. It got me thinking that Everyman press, the publishers of "Rapid Chess Improvement", might be interested in what we are doing, so I fired them an email. I got one back from Dan Addelman saying that he thought our blogging experiment was "very interesting". He has deemed us worthy of inclusion on the publishers list of Recommended Sites under "Organizations, Clubs".
I went through all your old posts lately (I'm an easy reader). It must have been difficult for you when nobody made comments. But you had a lot of readers though, I understand now.
Temposchlucker, at 2:19 PM
A lor of readers would be generous. I had maybe 3 or 4. didn't really catch on until Sancho and DG came on board.
Don Q., at 3:20 PM
A lor of readers would be generous. I had maybe 3 or 4. didn't really catch on until Sancho and DG came on board."
Heh yep!
We were a veritable echo chamber.
But it did and does get easier with each additional Knight or friend added.
Sancho Pawnza, at 7:32 PM
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