Man de la Maza

Monday, February 07, 2005

One Month to Go

I have 27 problem days and 2 rest days left.

In an effort to be organized, I sat down and calculated out my schedule between here and March 7th. Surprisingly, Circle 5 and the second half of Circle six are not problems. One of the biggest gotchas will be the beginning of Circle 4 where the first 3 days could average in the 4 hour range. Though Day 1 of Cirlce six and Circle 7 are montsters (6 & 9 hours respectively), I'll be in the home stretch by then.

Here is my schedule for the remaining time

Day Circle Target Target Running Max Time
1 3 90 405 3.75
2 3 74 479 3.08
3 3 74 553 3.08
4 3 74 627 3.08
5 3 60 687 2.5
6 3 60 747 2.5
7 3 50 797 2.08
8 3 0 797 0
9 3 50 847 2.08
10 3 50 897 2.08
11 3 48 945 2
12 3 48 993 2
13 3 46 1039 1.92
14 4 236 236 4.92
15 4 175 411 3.65
16 4 173 584 3.6
17 4 140 724 2.92
18 4 106 830 2.21
19 4 88 918 1.83
20 4 60 978 1.25
21 4 60 1038 1.25
22 5 340 340 2.83
23       0
24 5 272 612 2.27
25 5 241 853 2.01
26 5 186 1039 1.55
27 6 700 702 5.83
28 6 336 1038 2.8
29 7 1039 1039 8.65

126 days down, 29 to go (including rest days)
320 problems down, 719 to go in Circle Three
Level 10: 96%, 44 sec/prob
Level 20: 93%, 80 sec/prob


  • Post your HTML table as one line like:


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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:43 PM  

  • Thank you lovely anonymous person!!

    By Blogger Don Q., at 4:49 AM  

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